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UUMLR Article Writing Competition

Warm greetings to all, 

The UUM Law Review is delighted to announce that the registration of the Article Writing Competition is now open! Every LLB student is welcome to join the competition by submitting their articles to us. 

Register your participation and grab your chance to unleash your writing skills now! 


There will be three specific themes for the upcoming Article Writing Competition, as listed below:

(1) Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill 2021: Safeguarding Human Rights

(2) Anti-Hopping Law: For or Against Democracy

(3) Is Malaysia a Free Country? : Balancing the Legal Views 

Authors are also advised to adhere the following timeline for submission purposes:







We also provided the submission guidelines down below for authors to comply. 

PDF Version of

Article Submission Guidelines

Register here

UUMLR Article Writing Workshop

UUM Law Review (UUMLR) successfully completed its first Article Writing Workshop remotely from 8pm to 10pm on December 15, 2021. Dr. Ani Munirah, a Senior Lecturer at UUM, presented the workshop. The objective of the Article Writing Workshop was to provide LLB students with practical experience in writing a proper and effective legal article.

The Deputy Dean of the School of Law, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harlida Abdul Wahab, started off the first agenda of our workshop. The Deputy Dean kicked off the event by giving an introductory speech to all participants and workshop speakers. Having followed her remarks, the Dean officially launched our first Article Writing Workshop. The event was subsequently followed by a sharing session led by Dr. Ani Munirah, our program's keynote speaker. Dr. Ani provided a variety of skills and information during the course.

Dr. Ani's presentation included topics such as what an article should look like, why it's important to write an article, different styles of academic writing, how to write a concept paper, and how to pick a topic. All of them were the most crucial outcomes in terms of producing a legal article. Dr. Ani's in-depth sharing has occasionally stood in the way of our workshop's objective. The workshop was then followed by a question-and-answer session. The speaker answered the questions of the participants. The lecturer also provided appropriate examples to answer the queries.

The session comes to an end with a photography session and remarks from the event emcee. The participants in the Article Writing Workshop were given a clear guideline on how to write a legal article. We are grateful for the opportunity, and we also want to thank the presenters, Dr Ani Munirah and our Deputy Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harlida Abdul Wahab, for launching our workshop. We also appreciate the participants who attended and supported our webinar, and we hope you took away a bundle of legal article writing knowledge from our workshop. Till our next event, until we meet again!

Thank you!

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